im 17 ! w00ts .!
well last Monday ( 21/3 ) was my birthday.. ^_^
for me it was an awesome one..
words can't express how touched i am right now T^T
kay let's start with the very morning of Monday..
as usual, boring assembly..
actually i wasn't expecting much coz i thought no one even remembered my birthday.
so bla bla bla..boring assembly..
dearest headmistress non-stop crapping 'bout lotsa nonsense ..zz
and Finally ! end of assembly.. phew
Fern came to me and handed me a BIGASS paper bag..
and " Joey, 生日快乐! " she said, which means Happy Bday :D
i was like say wut ?! i didn't even know how should i react
lost for words and " Thank You" was all i could say..
like you're too overwhelmed with all sorta feelings but u just can't express a single word of it !
then cute little classmates came nosing wat was in the paper bag.. =_=
they even helped me to open it ...LOL
present was big fluffy soft toy doggy stuffing it's tongue out !
with a card written that the dog looks like me..wth ><
big surprise i must say o.0
Shelly gave me present too..awww...
the note with the giraffe key-chain she gave me was so heart-warming..
couldn't stop smiling and almost teared when reading it
was like " OMG..damn why the hell are they making it so 'tearable' .."
lazy to type the contents here @@ haha.
later on when we all have to go to the Science lab..
out of a sudden the whole class started singing birthday song
i was so dumb that i even asked who were they singing to the moment they just started.
only then they mention it was for me,,, dang ...
didn't see that coming...LOL
lovely + sampat classmates larr... make me so paiseh ..wahaha XD
reached home felt like my feet were so light..
too happy for words of course ! XD
then i noticed Smosh had just released their new video blog on their website
well... superrrrrr happy of course !!!!
Anthony is so frickin' HAWT that i can't even stand it @@
i'll take that as my birthday present yeah .. SS betul
after that i took a 'nap' which actually was long-hours sleep.. XD
i was sleeping my ass off and Chiew Yin came to my house.
stood at my front door for a very long time and shouting my name..
well i was in my dreamland so i wasn't aware that she was there LOL
7 missed calls and shouted my name for gazillion times..
my brother went out instead...
and she gave me a present...oh yesh !
woke up and found a present next to me..
it was a hand-made ship. plus that ship is BIG..
can u imagine ? GOD..
called her up and apologized for letting her waiting...
also to say A BIGGG THANKSS..
haha..i love my friends
Ah Koh gave me a cake the next morning..SWEEET =D
love it and thanks babe ! ON NOM NOM..
chocolate flavored cake..mmmmm :D
Xue Wen gave me a notebook with a Lion at the front.
saying that the Lion looks like me.. =_=
surprisingly Miin Jye gave me a present too !
a piggy notebook and a few real adorable erasers..
i'll use them for sure...they can come in handy :)
then today before Chinese class, Wenny came back !
OMG OMG OMG ! so exited..
she gave me a soft toy animal stuffing it's tongue out which is kinda similar to Pooh Bear
saying that it looks like me again...walao A..=_=
3rd birthday present i received that has almost the same look with me ?? zz..
and i was told that she's not really enjoying her life at her new school..
some comfort and advice were all i could give..
i wana hug her tightly and tell her everything's gonna be alright.
girl i miss you T^T
anywaysss, have been extremely addicted to Anthony Padilla for the past few days.
he is just so HOT ! dang !!
here's some of his cute pictures i found on dailybooth..
ngek ngek..
Anthony and his favourite candy |
DERP ! |
ballons |
WTF ? |
i downloaded some of his songs and OMG im obsessed with this hawttie here
he's just sooo irresistable =D
also check out this
ROFL but totally cool and cute !
i love him...I LOVE HIM <3 !!!
well ....March 21st 2011..
a memorable one...i've got my family and friends by my side,,
what more do i want ? hehe
I Love You Guys to the max =D
also thanks a lot to those birthday wishes and calls
i appreciate them ^_^
guess we won't be meeting each other again
hopefully i can forget u ASAP... =")
while waiting for Smosh to release their new video.
imma watch Secret Garden's 2nd episode.
( ini pun SPM candidate ar?? teruk sial.. )
hehe..Anthony u're so cute i love you ^_^
Blogged, Joey.