mummy uploaded this, captioned " tortilla wrap and potato pumpkin soup "
wtf !!!!!
im hungry !!
and im bored of the food around section 17
dunno wat to hv for dinner tonight actually
and if i were back home
i'd be munching away with those babies
le veli hungreehhh
glanced at tabby's photo album
captured by moi
look at her
when packing my stuff for college
that box was meant for stationeries ==
tabby u wanted to come along with me izit ? swt
of coz i miss home like siao siao
for some reason i actually miss those times
when a drug addict used to walk by our house
we'd look at him weird
hahahahaha !!!
lame la =__=
excuse my reli louya to the max english
my knowledge of english somehow deteriorated
who got read my blog wan correct me la
Blogged, Joey.
miao~ XD