Friday, October 26, 2012


i could never imagine myself studying here before.
it's a surprise that i actually end up here.
i always thought that i would enroll Inti where my sis used to be.
i was ready to register at inti.
registration fee. passport photo. photocopied documents.
all set.
already on our way to inti to register.
one phone call about how much is the tuition fee in my current uni.
one u-turn, back home.
and here i am.
in this uni
where u basically have to time no sit down and relax.
your lifestyle super hectic.
you're always busy with lab reports,tutorials and many other stuff.
and of coz, talking nonsense with friends.

i hated this rental house.
but now im used to it.
i couldn't tolerate with that stupid fact,
but now it's ok.

hahahaha this new environment has changed me.
not alot but at least but at least a little.
at the same time,
im growing older.
but somehow im growing more as a spoiled person.
keep asking for this and that ahhahaa
maybe i missed home i dont know.
it's a relief everytime i get to go home.
sometimes i even hallucinate myself walking around my house's living room.
talking to tabby.
baking a cake.
sleeping on princess's bed.
i miss home like crazy
but now im stuck in a room all by myself.
a house full of cockroaches sometimes spot a few rats.
and eat out every meal.
it gets worse when there's thunder
raining everyday lately
my heart beats really fast when there's thunder
somehow i got really scared of thunder.
plz Buddha, Jesus, Allah or whoever
make me able to cope with it
i hate shivering in the corner almost everyday
but im numb already
this life might drive me crazy i dont knw
sometimes im starting to think i have split personality LOL
before this im never like this one ah
wasn't even afraid of thunder swt

im packed with tutorials now but le veli lazehhhhh
lemme think.
maths 2, chem, bio, ae, ecs.
basically all subjects
why am i still nuah-ing here ?

Blogged, Joey.


  1. fighting! i m happy to see tat u r growing :D

  2. OMG...100 years ago d oni comment...cheh ~~~!
