Sunday, July 21, 2013


I only started this blog when my school life was almost ending
so i thought why not blog about school before i get any older or can hardly remember what happened during school
and also im in the mood for blogging
i have a feeling this is gonna be a long one
just for clarification, I've pretty much told everyone about my badass school years
so dont be too surprised
ok start now
best years amongst my school life
I attended the nearest pre-school from my home
it was a Christian school
i loved going to school back then
i never cried going to school
in fact, i actually loved school
I remember the sisters a.k.a nuns there treated us kids really well
i loved it when they entered our classroom
thought us songs and we'd dance along or clap hands whatever
it was always fun when they were around
but when someone pooped in their pants
one of the sisters would take off all of our pants just to check
and i thought that was sick
also there was this little girl, younger than me
her name was Z something
OMG she was such a cry baby please
cried every morning after her mom left
her classroom was just next to mine
so every morning my task was to console and sayang her just to make her stop crying
like she was baby i was mommy haha
i was really protective of her
then that school really WTF in planning our refreshment la
every morning our breakfast confirm always porridge + ikan bilis (-.-")
then after school i didn't get to go home anyway
coz i was under the day care there
we had to bathe there sleep there until evening OK
and when we get to shower 
approx. 10 kids in one bathroom please !!!!
so funny the sister had to squeeze shampoo on our heads
then rinse us one by one
your eyes kena shampoo then you rinse first LOL
then teachers would force us to take our nap
i HATED it
coz i thought staying still was such a torture
i remember i used to sneak out and hide behind a cupboard when everyone (including teachers) was asleep
dunno why i did that
one day i got caught trying to squeeze behind the cupboard
the teacher asked what was i doing in the classroom
forgot what i answered nothing and i didn't get into trouble anyway hahaha
also rmb one afternoon i wasn't sleeping when everyone was
one of the sisters came with my mom to the napping room
and mummy handed me this biscuit 
and i was hella hyped
one whole pack for myself OKKKKKKKKK
oh gosh memories T___T
then mom left the school
dunno why i didn't leave with her but continued "napping"
back at home
i won't miss any of homework
can't believe i actually loved doing homework LOL
coz homework that time was hella EASY
all i had to do was count some mushrooms on the exercise book and boom i'm done
at the end of the year
i remember i performed the lulalalulalalulalulaleh dance ( don't even bother searching for the name )
i get to apply makeup hahahahaa was so happy
was so friggin excited when mummy applied lipstick for me
and the dress was so cute !!
yeap easily contented girl i was =D
at the age of 5,
mummy started her own kindergarten
so i transferred there duh
i totally remember my friends' names la
beebee, hweexian, and one super tall ( for a 6 year old ) and fair girl
our conversation would involve "i dont wanna friend you ady!" everyday
LOL kids
and i HATED spelling
one time i didn't know how to spell 'snake'
i told the teacher i'm just gonna drink some water behind our seats where we placed all our bags
and i peeked at the book the teached didn't even know
and CONFIRM not she purposely kept quiet whatever
at the same time,
my parents' relationship was so bad they would quarrel and fight everyday
so my siblings and i lived in the school with mummy
we only get to go home once in a while LOL sigh =(
but anyway got bonus staying there too
which is getting to play computer games even after school
we didn't have a computer back at home that time,
when i was 6,
they got divorced eventually
my mom, my dad, my dad's wife confronting each other in the living room one day
zzzzz worst childhood memory
after all the fucking arguments
we headed back to mom's school
i cried all the way
then we lived in the school during weekdays and in dad's during weekends
dumbest decision they could ever make which lasted until i finished form 5
LOL and i used to brag about living in school to my friends during schooling hours
" hey guess where am i living ?? "
" where ? "
and i thought it was cool.

Primary School
then my hair grew longer after mom stopped chopping my hair
i get go to school with 2 high ponytails kakak helped me with
the school guard used to tease me by placing 2 fingers on his head
what a dick
i attended afternoon school during standard one
we had to wait in the boiling hot school hall until students from morning classes were done
i was so hyper and used to run around on the stage with my classmates
then one day the principal saw us 
and ordered standard 3 prefects to make sure we stay in our line since then
and i fucking hate them okay
i rmb got one prefect ,ALVIN  walao i still rmb
stepped on my hand and i shouted at him " OI !!!!!! "
he quickly ran behind with all other prefects and complained that i scolded him
what a dick
then during class
the first chapter in standard one's chinese text book got 2 lines only
which were " i love baba " and " i love mama " hahaha wtf
the teacher gathered us in front and asked us to describe our activities with our parents
and I put my hand up , stood up and told her out loud " hey my parents split ady "
then she told my aunt which was a teacher at that school too
and hooray i get scolded by mummy for saying things i shouldn't have in school
what a dick
didn't like standard one at all coz i was always bullied
the class monitor hated me so much that when teachers are out
he would write my name on the board
even if i didn't make a single noise
i turn my head look at the floor oso kena
then that assholic teacher ANG MENG LEE would cane me
what a dick
and i HATED doing homework
i'd lie to teachers that i forgot to bring my homework if i haven't done
but they whacked my ass anyway
gosh now that i think of it i wish they knew what i was going through
and during spelling sessions
my friends would copy my answers and silly me allowed them too
LOL im so smart leh din do homework oso score not bad !!
sumore got people copy my ans hahahahahhaa
there are some awesome memories too
and i won't forget a girl
she was so kind, 
bought me a pack of Bika (vegetable flavour) one day
i got so happy
also one day my dad visited me during recess 
and he bought me gan lao mee
he thought me how to use chopsticks that day ='D
also every friday 
my sis and i would board on the same bus coz that's the only day we finish school on the same time
hahaha these were the better memories

standard 2,
the school was under renovation so we had to move to another place temporarily for the year
or always forgetting to bring this or that book
and i was always dozing off and DAYDREAMING during school hours wtf
all my classmates and teachers hated me hahaha fuckers
i only make friends with one or two or people from other classes
LOL sad case
and after school I'd play with a Malay girl behind the school hall
she was so kind and beautiful !
one day i tripped over something and scratched my knee terribly
she handed me handyplast ='D
good people i rmb u forever

standard 3 ,
my results during standard 2 was so fucked up that i had to go two classes behind my previous one
hahahaha that year was so awesome ( dunno why am i laughing )
i started doing homework a little bit
but still sleeping in class
the teachers still  hated me
but i loved them so much i bought them gifts during teacher's day 
gosh i was so dumb
and one of the tests,
the BM teacher was such a dick
he announced nobody would believe the one who scored the highest
is the one the who sleeps in class the most
who else could it be ?
man what a dick
he was such a fucker that 
one day
the other classmate was sleeping too
he put a ruler into her mouth but still she didn't feel anything
and everyone was laughing along with that teacher
double dickhead
but i would say i started to have friends that year
the whole class got along well
i think 3 girls including me liked the class monitor and i shall call him J
one time J borrowed one of my mechanical pencils and broke it
and i asked him to write "sorry" in chinese for 100 times LOL
but i don't think im a dick after all
then during finals somehow i scored well 
dunno what happened
no one thought i deserved it anyway

standard 4 ,
then i for some reason got to moved 2 classes forward (i was one lucky kid )
met xinrou and suqi which were relatives
always together where ever we go =D
and i won many trophies that year
english essay writing (champion leh !!!! ), 
anti-drugs poster, chinese calligraphy etc
and chinese teacher made us write our own diaries everyday...!
she praised me during class that my diary was very well written..
and my classmates so dickhead everytime before submitting our diaries they would read mine
without my knowledge
what a dick
WTF luckily i din write bad things about anyone
but my math and science teacher hated me
coz i DID their homework...only when i wanted to HAHAHA
also i performed during the school concert
a dance to welcome guests
but no one was actually watching coz they were busy eating

standard 5,
OMG i DID ALL homework that year PLZ.
never missed any.
If i missed any i'd feel nervous the night before
also won alot trophies that year ngek ngek
one of it was for book cover painting
for the book cover i simply chose a story book about a hamster from my mum's kindergarten wtf
then i met anqi and kaiyong LOL
always quarrelling with anqi ( SIGH kids )
but somehow we got together in a gang with angel, ky, suqi, jane, and xinrou
i remember suqi kept discussing how we shall rent an apartment and do business together when we're grown ups,
i told xinrou i get so bored everytime she started discussing about the apartment thing
they relatives what,....i kena lo
then suqi was soooooo upset about it
but we got along few weeks later anyway hahahaha
and jiayan, the girl sitting next to me
really put me into dipshit
one day i got nothing better to do
drew a love letter for J but THREW IT
jia yan picked it from the bin and enveloped it without my knowledge
passed it to J
J was such a fucker he showed it to everyone in the guys washroom o0o
OMG WHY wanna show please show it only if i drew it better 
one day during math class,
GUO WEI that kns cibai fucker announced it OUT LOUD
all of my teachers got the news and none of them believed that i didn't have the intention to give it to him
well it was drawn by me but i didn't mean to give it to him =(
one day i got called by my form teacher and she was trying to counsel me
she even asked me why would i think about 'love' at that age
none of them trusted me
what a dick
worse came to worst,
i lost my math exercise book !
got scolded even BADLY
i felt so terrible 
thank god i didn't jump off a roof or something
now that i think of it oso heartache abit LOL

standard 6,
school principal everyday UPSR up UPSR down
hear oso sien
stopped doing homework
only do when i REALLY HAD TO
just to avoid being sent to principal office
i became really shy and quiet
thankfully i still had friends =')
then UPSR came i even dozed off during the examination hahaha
of course the result sucked =D
coz after UPSR we were so damn free but have to go to scool everyday
so one day i had a brilliant idea i brought my pet tortoise to school
that time tortoises were so affordable (like RM7 only)
i bought like 2
brought them to school and just watched them all the time
somehow my friends wanted to have pet tortoises too
and i became the "smuggler"    (=.=)
buying lots of tortoises for my classmates
most of them were guys
all we did were watching tortoises hahahaha
then someone reported this to our form teacher
and miraculously she said why not
don't bring dogs or cats can ady coz they can't fit in your pocket hahahahahah
at the end of the year
our form teacher asked us which secondary school were we planning to go
everyone was going to same school except for me T___T
it was my mom's decision sigh
little did she know she was sending me to the shittiest school on earth
and during children's day
we were so upset that it was the last one we got to celebrate
counted down with me friends until the school bell rang
ahhhhhh memories ='D
i also performed in the school concert for the 2nd time
dancing and marching hahahaha cacn't believe it
but during practice i was always daydreaming my mates would shout at me
then came graduation trip
i was being cocky that i didn't want to stay in the same hotel room with my friends
instead i chose soh li hui ( bossy person ) and gan hui min ( accused for stealing stuff )
just cause i wanted some "challenge"
LOL one of the mornings huimin woke me up so we could bathe before lihui did
she got up really angry hahahaha so funny

Secondary School,
after the long honeymoon,
here came form one
i got to a school next to the pre-school i was in
my sister was in form 5
everyone thought we looked really alike but i told them we were neighbours 
somehow people bought it HAHAHA
and my UPSR result sucked so much that i got arranged in a so called "poor" class
my sis kept nagging at me how i should get into a better class
yeap neither of my friends cared about our academic achievements
all we talked and cared about were guys guys guys
as usual
never touched my homework
unless i really had to like send for checking or just so i could go for recess
some i didn't even bother to submit
one time during art class,
i drew and painted a carrot and wrote my name behind it
we were supposed to submit it but i didn't
i folded into a paper airplane and flew it out of the window instead
somehow it flew into the kindergarten hahahhaa
the next day i got called to the principal office coz of the airplane 
the our principal and the kindergarten's principal were somehow related
and i was warned not to simply litter around the school area @_@
among all of the tests
i passed all subjects except for Kemahiran Hidup
every test confirm fail miserably
when finals were around the corner,
i studied my ass off just to get into "better" classes.
i scored A for KH WTF
got number 3 in class sumore hahahhaaha

form 2,
i got into the 1st class YEAAAHHHHH ...NOT
the teachers were friggin dumbfucks
i never did their homework
i was always told by them on how should i behave just because i'm the the first class
but who cares coz i don't
super hot classroom
the fan broke down and scumbag school authority not taking the initiative to fix it
i brought my own fan and fanned myself whole day long
also i slept in class everyday while fanning myself
gosh how much i suffered XD
i was also involved in zapin dance for civic.
coz almost every group used the same song so we didn't win any prize
but i had fun practicing =D
and during recess
some of my classmates and i would gather behind the school hall which was kinda isolated
we called it " The Tadpole Club "
normally we would chill and gossip over there
on special occasions we would buy all the food in canteen and share them together
ahhh memoriesss <3

form 3,
did homework a little just coz it was PMR year
i even had a little notebook to jot down all the to-do homework
but i'm still a lazy bum deep down so i'd still miss some of them (rarely)
i sucked at math so i was one of the dummies who got arranged to sit in front ='D
i wasn't doing good at all..
was like wtf do so much homework still so stupid
then starting from mid-year i totally slacked off
got test or exam only study
then result not bad what hahaha
i didn't really indulge into the world of PMR reference books until trials
one hour before KH paper only i started touching the book
somehow i scored A wtf
but all i wanted was to enter science class during form4
PMR result was released on christmas eve
my family was holding a christmas party that night
and i thought i would be the worst christmas ever
who knew my last minute study helped 
i wouldn't say i scored with flying colours but it was okay
not bad imo LOLOLOLOL

end of honeymoon 
so lame
yay science class but boo homework overload
i did until after january then stop ady
so my exercise books were pretty much empty and good as new =Ds
and man all teachers hated me as fuck
i hated them as well LOL
but who cares coz i don't 
and our class turned into a "company"
MJ was the Manager Tey with Xuewen as MJ's wife 
i was one of the secretaries who seduced the manager a.k.a Huang Hu Li
got janitor sumore wtf but forgot who ady
and we would just reenact loads of company dramas hahaha wtf
then came the new principal
fuckface much 
i fucking hated her
called me to principal office over reallysmall matter
like what, when i failed addmaths oso call me go
late for school also go FUCK YOU LA
i don't understand just cause i'm in first class i should behave like this and that
also whatever you do, the student is ALWAYS AT FAULT
i was one of the regular visitors that i everytime i enter i don't even bother explaining ady
but overall seeing those bitches get angry was pretty much awesome
coz i just fucking hate them =D

fucking english teacher jacob and all other teachers
i just hate how they like to force people to do unnecessary stuff 
and fucking biased towards so called "well behaved" students which are damn hypocrites
even the teachers themselves are hypocrites
i've seen what they did I KNOW
i fucking hate that school
teachers and principal are fucking hypocrites
i thought the school was pretty fucked up
no i actually still think that way
but I really treasure some friends in my class 
always willing to lend a hand and listen
good friends are the ones that create you create good memories with
at least in school
and they really helped me in my studies
coz i never listen to teachers and trust me
those scumbags are not teaching materials but fucked up hypocrites just wanting to keep their jobs
like fuck them all
when SPM was around the corner
the cibai principal jiak bah boh dai ji
come into our classroom telling how important SPM was each and everyday
and when she does that she expects us to put down whatever we are doing
listen to her bullshit for an hour EVERYDAY 
im not even exaggerating 
one day i totally ignored that bitch that she got so mad and slammed me
saying im not worthwhile whatever
like fuck you
who cared coz i don't
on graduation day i didn't even thank any of those assholes
but cried like a baby just coz im gonna be apart with my friends 
i finally finished SPM thank GOD
then my school life has come to an end
goodbye fuckers !!! hahahahah
i was so happy im finally leaving the shittiest school on earth

so what awaits me now is my future
oh my future is in my hands bla bla bla
good or bad
i just wanna live life like an adventure
just as long as i learn a lesson (optimistic not ??? )
LOL okay 

Blogged, Joey. 


  1. You really have a strong memory, girl. How did you still rmb kindergarden things de?!

    1. paeyiiii~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
      special talent...!! thk q !!!!!!!!!

  2. dear joey, really very strong memory! hw can u rmb everything clearly? ur story is nice n sweet! i juz realize u r such a cute girl since u r small. bt i dun understand, y u hated so much ppl? hopefully, i'll nvr b the one.. haha~ anyway, u grew up as a cheerful girl.. awesome!
