Thursday, November 1, 2012

Day of Suay

So today i had a pretty bad day
early in the morning
woke up arnd 7.20am
was almost late for 8am class
god i hate 8am class
miss sem1...langsung no 8am class
torture thursday... =_=
so i received my test 1 results except for Bio
omg maths fucking sucked why you
wanted to murder ownself already
then OMG full report for chem again !!
haven gone through this lecture want us to do full report ?!
eff you gao gao
during my two hours break
a pizza hut delivery truck drove into our campus
provided an ultra huge dialler at the side of truck
many camera man came down
busy body my friends and i approached the truck asap
dialled the delivery number
yay free lunch !
dunno wat flavour pizza
no photo coz phone ady kongkam
but because of that pizza
chitty chatty until cloud turn super dark oso dunno
down came the rain
super heavy one
next class starting soon at another block
got ourselves soaking wet just to attend class
successfully got into the building
scumbag whoever controlling weather assholic rain suddenly stopped
non-stop cursing
entered tutorial class
lecturer asked us to take off shoes also our socks just coz it's wet
claiming she cares for our health
just got really creepy recently
time to go home home the weather turned really sunny and hot
walked home saw a wall collapsed due to heavy rain
reached home finally wash here wash there then sleep
housemate barged into room asking if i wan domino's
fuck you my sleeping pose super ugly and i had pizza in the afternoon already
did assignment for academic english
read love hina
called family missed them so much
worried for test 2 but lazy to start revision
haven finish emo-ing for test1
nuah-ing infront of computer
dont wanna go sleep
9am class later
4am already
mouth open wide
continue reading love hina


  1. Actually, you can do that, just schedule them accordingly and it should turn out chronologically. I sometimes make my posts oso, then just schedule and wait for it to be published haha.

  2. then gt notification for comments one not??? i dun even knw wch n wch gt comment hahahah

  3. Er.. got.

    Go Settings
    Mobile and Email
    Input desired e-mail to have notifications sent.

    I also last time damn sien, always can't find a way to track comments. Then I thought to myself sure got one in blogger. Then I go check check a bit, really got lol haha.

    1. works the same way if someone replied me on other blogs ??
