Friday, May 24, 2013

Honey, I'm SORRY !

hello rusty bloggie,
how have you been.
sorry will tell you more about my foundation year.

today i feel like crap.
Coz i broke  a RM80 bottle of HONEY.
yeah i know.fuck my life.

it all started with Raisin ( me dog ) getting attacked by (coincidentally) HONEY bees.
The man of the house doesn't seem to plan to bring Raisin to the vet.
He himself got stung at the hands too also not planning to visit the doctor.
Man i was so heartbroken seeing Raisin's eyes swollen to the max.
He like damn blur like that walk also bengkang bengkok.
googled a little bit and found out remedies like applying baking soda paste and ice pack on the eye,
also applying friggin HONEY on the gums to keep him warm and awake for a bit.
and there's where the nightmare begins.

grabbed the bottle of honey from fridge.
and it slipped of my hands.....................( ゚ Д゚) !!!!!!!
Eyes and mouth open wide.
Mother came rushing into the kitchen.
"JOEY!你知道那瓶几贵吗?连daddy都不舍得喝! "
i was like... stunned and dunno how to respond to that.
she continued, "还不要快点scoop起来!”
i rushed to the wet kitchen and grabbed the spoon and container.
scooping/scraping?? the honey into the container like mad.
god i felt so awful and kept whining
"oh mahhh gawd.....RM80 leh....", "why you honey....T^T", "oh my god mother, do you think dad's gonna kill me"
and then continuously making crying sounds
kakak came giving me a hand in cleaning up the mess.
i didn't want this to happen but dad came out of the bathroom,
i was like " hi dad ..." ( really didn't know how to start  ̄m ̄    )
and mother told him what happened.

Daddy went," huh??!!!! that 80 dollars honey arh??!! ".
I answered, "yeah....".
i remained silent and guilty.

So tonight,
to save the last bit of honey on the floor.
Our whole family has honey mask on our faces.
Raisin has honey smudged all over his gums too.
and hope i feel guilty for the rest of my life for spending RM80 to gek sei my parents.
p.s of course i didn't tell anyone the purpose of taking the honey out.
or i don't have to dream living more than 19 years ady.

and i told my friend,"bro i think i'm forever alone ady. even my HONEY died."

Clumsiest Person Alive.

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