Friday, May 25, 2012


it' been ages since i blogged
previous posts also like wtf so shitty one
since im like darn free today
ok la blog la
i've been wanting to blog about college
foa, *accomodation*
this college seriously wtf 
langsung no hostel
coz they've been planning to close down this campus in 2 or 3 years and focus on the main one
so we have to go around pusing pusing rent our own rooms
well i found one
at first i was like wahh the house very cooling and cheap
coz i thought pj weather would be unbearably warm
to me turns out the opposite la at night freeze to death without fan
coz my hands and legs cannot tahan cold
then after wah all the house mates so friendly sumore
im like god must love me too much
mum even came for a visit
i was like wah this and that at the house is so GOOD !
manatau.... -.- !!
ytd i was washing my clothes for the first time
i was like yo man how to use the washing machine on the phone
it just wouldn't wash my clothes
after that bao zu gong (anal guy) came back 
he said press this and that
i was like i did as u said arh still cannot leh
then he dunno press wat when i was in the room la
then the washing machine miraculously worked
my clothes done washing and was drying my clothes
anal guy came to me and said , “ 酱可能是人的问题咯!”
oi fuck you la
then next time u wash my clothes la, bird talk in my face
and then, this morning
i was awakened by someone's car alarm at friggin 6.30am
after that couldn't sleep ady
had breakfast and was chilling in the living room
anal guy came downstairs
scared the hell outta me
then he fucking said owh why you don't wanna switch off the lights yaddah yaddah
why on earth did i say to everyone you are friendly and nice lar
act so assholic

next, college college.
ok la the orientation
although i damn potato only made a few friends *sobs*
i saw the timetable
have friggin classes till 7 in the evening on friggin FRIDAYS !!!
all of days why friday leh T__T
zzzz confirm imma hate this college now -.- !
i doubt i can focus in class
coz u know la
i everyday brain dunno think about wat
放空 like most of the time
and then seniors like kept ranting on how kns this college is
well only for this campus lar dunno bout the others
the bus not consistent, the toilets all behsai flush, printer cannot use, computers got virus blarrrr
but one thing,
leng lui like oxygen...everywhere..
omg i know im sick i love looking at leng luis

sumore i miss tabby so much
the other day i was watching this kitty video
i cried so much
this is how tabby sleeps back home
omg im gonna cry again
i miss home T____T
i miss mummy
i miss everyone
i miss everyone !
im so lonely here
i have no friends wan
sumore house mates not really friendly to me T^T !
i dunno la
it's just...i don't like this place T___T
mum brought my laptop here
i saw tabby's fur on the keyboard
can't stop crying

Blogged, Joey.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

am i gonna die in college ?
will my result suck ?
will i be able to make any friends ?
am i gonna be #foreveralone potato ?