So today i had a pretty bad day
early in the morning
woke up arnd 7.20am
was almost late for 8am class
god i hate 8am class
miss sem1...langsung no 8am class
torture thursday... =_=
so i received my test 1 results except for Bio
omg maths fucking sucked why you
wanted to murder ownself already
then OMG full report for chem again !!
haven gone through this lecture want us to do full report ?!
eff you gao gao
during my two hours break
a pizza hut delivery truck drove into our campus
provided an ultra huge dialler at the side of truck
many camera man came down
busy body my friends and i approached the truck asap
dialled the delivery number
yay free lunch !
dunno wat flavour pizza
no photo coz phone ady kongkam
but because of that pizza
chitty chatty until cloud turn super dark oso dunno
down came the rain
super heavy one
next class starting soon at another block
got ourselves soaking wet just to attend class
successfully got into the building
scumbag whoever controlling weather assholic rain suddenly stopped
non-stop cursing
entered tutorial class
lecturer asked us to take off shoes also our socks just coz it's wet
claiming she cares for our health
just got really creepy recently
time to go home home the weather turned really sunny and hot
walked home saw a wall collapsed due to heavy rain
reached home finally wash here wash there then sleep
housemate barged into room asking if i wan domino's
fuck you my sleeping pose super ugly and i had pizza in the afternoon already
did assignment for academic english
read love hina
called family missed them so much
worried for test 2 but lazy to start revision
haven finish emo-ing for test1
nuah-ing infront of computer
dont wanna go sleep
9am class later
4am already
mouth open wide
continue reading love hina
Thursday, November 1, 2012
Monday, October 29, 2012
Friday, October 26, 2012
5M reunite !
so starting of sem2 quite free i went home.
last minute decided to gather with all 5M kakis
all these photos stolen from facebook muahahaha
so emo that evening ok
i missed them so much
what an evening
Blogged, Joey.
last minute decided to gather with all 5M kakis
all these photos stolen from facebook muahahaha
so emo that evening ok
i missed them so much
what an evening
Blogged, Joey.
i could never imagine myself studying here before.
it's a surprise that i actually end up here.
i always thought that i would enroll Inti where my sis used to be.
i was ready to register at inti.
registration fee. passport photo. photocopied documents.
all set.
already on our way to inti to register.
one phone call about how much is the tuition fee in my current uni.
one u-turn, back home.
and here i am.
in this uni
where u basically have to time no sit down and relax.
your lifestyle super hectic.
you're always busy with lab reports,tutorials and many other stuff.
and of coz, talking nonsense with friends.
i hated this rental house.
but now im used to it.
i couldn't tolerate with that stupid fact,
but now it's ok.
hahahaha this new environment has changed me.
not alot but at least but at least a little.
at the same time,
im growing older.
but somehow im growing more as a spoiled person.
keep asking for this and that ahhahaa
maybe i missed home i dont know.
it's a relief everytime i get to go home.
sometimes i even hallucinate myself walking around my house's living room.
talking to tabby.
baking a cake.
sleeping on princess's bed.
i miss home like crazy
but now im stuck in a room all by myself.
a house full of cockroaches sometimes spot a few rats.
and eat out every meal.
it gets worse when there's thunder
raining everyday lately
my heart beats really fast when there's thunder
somehow i got really scared of thunder.
plz Buddha, Jesus, Allah or whoever
make me able to cope with it
i hate shivering in the corner almost everyday
but im numb already
this life might drive me crazy i dont knw
sometimes im starting to think i have split personality LOL
before this im never like this one ah
wasn't even afraid of thunder swt
im packed with tutorials now but le veli lazehhhhh
lemme think.
maths 2, chem, bio, ae, ecs.
basically all subjects
why am i still nuah-ing here ?
Blogged, Joey.
Trip to USS
okay finally finished my 情深深雨濛蒙 and TEST 1
time to do something productive
this ( the photos friggin cacat obviously i don't give a shit )
let's start with my trip to Universal Studios Singapore
namely sponsored by sagor
thks thks thks so much this trip !!!
wasted arnd rm400 just to buy new tickets coz i had physics test that morning
ya yay wch uni actually have their tests on very saturdays
fortunately i scored 40/50
quite awesome for me ady
didn't waste her effort and money right ?
tell me no la ><
we went thr by jetstar
before flying i had some shitty laksa mee at KLIA's old town
OMG it was shitty as hell i forced myself to swallow it juz coz it was so exp T___T
RM11.90 liddat are you kidding me T___T
skip that
was sleeping throughout the entire journey lolololol
slept late the night before think i was studying
or watching some stupid online cooking show
can't rmb @_@
finally reached singapore
checked into Festive Hotel i thk
when i first entered the room
happy excited HAPPY EXCITEDDDDD !!!
the room so cute
the bed so comfy,soft,fluffy
the bathroom so neat and shiny
the view from the window...prettyyyyyyyyyy
arghhhhh i miss it ^^
later that night sagor's colleague brought us to his sister's restaurant
famous for their chilli crabs
it was okay @@
still they looked pretty tempting
paiseh to snap pics of food
i personally think malaysia has better crabs, no ?
then what happened ah ?
oh ya we went for Song of The Sea
just some people singing on the beach trallalalala
their singing damn sucky la was actually shaking whenever they started singing
tahan-ed until the show ended OMG
but the light effects and all
i give 11/10
too good too magical to watch
so beautiful =3 awwwww
was supposed to meet up with miinjye that night but it was too late time forbid me
i missed her so much
i kept imagining myself reunited with my darling
ok i've gone too far =__=
went back to the hotel and hung around the gym
coz i was sure will put on weight for the upcoming buffets hahahahaha
and i did...LOL *sadness*
the buffet breakfast wahlao
super nice lo
no one could stop me from eating that day
and i totally regret it
confession of a fatty T^T
bah who cares
the food was awesome !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
now that i come to think of it
i didn't really enjoy buffet as a child
coz i had to "serve" myself
but now i felt like it's been long since i had good food
since i enrolled college (excuses)
and i ended up overloading my belly
apple pie oh my apple pie
why are you made so beautiful and taste-bud-satisfying
sandwich oh my cute little sandwich
u weren't really nice though.... XD
i was so thankful and emo that morning
just felt so greatful that i got the chance to enjoy all those
and here we are
USS !!!!!!!
wahlao i thought i was fated to queue forever coz it was a sunday
surprisingly it was so empty...THANK GOD !
got to enjoy every ride as many times as i wanted
meichin told me she had to queue for at least 2 hours each ride when she came previously
evil laughs evil laughs evillllllllllllll
the rides were awesome
i personally liked transformers and the mummy the most.
whereas sagor hated the mummy coz she couldn't stand the jerking and all.
and the streets were made so cute
me likey the way they built sesame street so kyuuuut <3 !
First stop, Madagascar !
went super excited when i saw the merry go round
so colourful and adorable wahhhhh hard to resist
i knw i knw seeing an 18 y/o acting like a kid
i was the oldest on the ride OMG why
wanted to enjoy but feel super paiseh coz the kids parents all watching WTF
then far far away !!
we also visited this museum i think.
next to the park only.
for those who exploited asia earlier like 鄭和, charles brooke yaddah yaddah
dont ask me history.
lazy to upload them pictures
then the finale.
buffet dinner at hotel.
wah wah wah.
le love italian food.
i kept playing with the chocolate fountain
the marshmallows was super duper cute heart-shaped one sumore
again i was the oldest around that corner.
the kids there very annoying ok.
burst in tears. old die la me !!
again. lazy to upload the pictures.
it was dato lee chong wei's match for the olympic finals that night.
i tell u super funny i watched it at the lobby.
one side malaysian watching another side chinese LOL.
of coz la support own nation mah.
sady dato lee lost but it's fine.
he'd done his best.
also happily married ady.
plus i noticed something lo.
the chinese now super rich.
next to our hotel there's lotsa branded outlets, like Coach and all.
very pricey of course.
and only the chinese visit them most of them gathering at the counter sumore.
wah i very poor like that.
cannot afford any of them.
unless i wanna eat grass for another month.
ok i knw not funny.
The next morning i was sooooo reluctant to check out from the hotel.
i really liked that bed T_____T
sigh why must lovers part at the end
when would we reunite
and shall never leave each other ever again.
gloomy morning.
sad story indeed.
buffet breakfast again.
didn't have the mood coz they were serving the same food.
but was munching away when sagor's colleague brought us for lunch at canton paradise.
uber yums ok i enjoyed their egg tart alot.
yummiest egg tart ever had =)))
it was a heavy lunch her colleague even begged us to finish everything.
but we were really stuffed.
wonder why they ordered so much ==?
after lunch it's time to fly back to malaysia.
air asia wtf they have the shittiest airline ever.
the plane kept jerking i puked like crazy
airport workers damn lazy mannnnnn
can sleep in the middle of the road sumore.
not some hobo but a friggin worker at the airport
walao AAAAA.
anyway it felt good to come home.
somehow i still felt down coz have to attend class next morning.
then le yawns and *wham!*
there she goes.
lying on her bed.
like sleeping beauty except she's not that pretty.
deciding not to wake up forever.
Blogged, Joey.
time to do something productive
this ( the photos friggin cacat obviously i don't give a shit )
let's start with my trip to Universal Studios Singapore
namely sponsored by sagor
thks thks thks so much this trip !!!
wasted arnd rm400 just to buy new tickets coz i had physics test that morning
ya yay wch uni actually have their tests on very saturdays
fortunately i scored 40/50
quite awesome for me ady
didn't waste her effort and money right ?
tell me no la ><
we went thr by jetstar
before flying i had some shitty laksa mee at KLIA's old town
OMG it was shitty as hell i forced myself to swallow it juz coz it was so exp T___T
RM11.90 liddat are you kidding me T___T
skip that
was sleeping throughout the entire journey lolololol
slept late the night before think i was studying
or watching some stupid online cooking show
can't rmb @_@
finally reached singapore
checked into Festive Hotel i thk
when i first entered the room
happy excited HAPPY EXCITEDDDDD !!!
the room so cute
the bed so comfy,soft,fluffy
the bathroom so neat and shiny
the view from the window...prettyyyyyyyyyy
arghhhhh i miss it ^^
later that night sagor's colleague brought us to his sister's restaurant
famous for their chilli crabs
it was okay @@
still they looked pretty tempting
paiseh to snap pics of food
i personally think malaysia has better crabs, no ?
then what happened ah ?
oh ya we went for Song of The Sea
just some people singing on the beach trallalalala
their singing damn sucky la was actually shaking whenever they started singing
tahan-ed until the show ended OMG
but the light effects and all
i give 11/10
too good too magical to watch
so beautiful =3 awwwww
was supposed to meet up with miinjye that night but it was too late time forbid me
i missed her so much
i kept imagining myself reunited with my darling
ok i've gone too far =__=
went back to the hotel and hung around the gym
coz i was sure will put on weight for the upcoming buffets hahahahaha
and i did...LOL *sadness*
the buffet breakfast wahlao
super nice lo
no one could stop me from eating that day
and i totally regret it
confession of a fatty T^T
bah who cares
the food was awesome !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
now that i come to think of it
i didn't really enjoy buffet as a child
coz i had to "serve" myself
but now i felt like it's been long since i had good food
since i enrolled college (excuses)
and i ended up overloading my belly
apple pie oh my apple pie
why are you made so beautiful and taste-bud-satisfying
sandwich oh my cute little sandwich
u weren't really nice though.... XD
i was so thankful and emo that morning
just felt so greatful that i got the chance to enjoy all those
and here we are
USS !!!!!!!
wahlao i thought i was fated to queue forever coz it was a sunday
surprisingly it was so empty...THANK GOD !
got to enjoy every ride as many times as i wanted
meichin told me she had to queue for at least 2 hours each ride when she came previously
evil laughs evil laughs evillllllllllllll
the rides were awesome
i personally liked transformers and the mummy the most.
whereas sagor hated the mummy coz she couldn't stand the jerking and all.
and the streets were made so cute
me likey the way they built sesame street so kyuuuut <3 !
First stop, Madagascar !
went super excited when i saw the merry go round
so colourful and adorable wahhhhh hard to resist
i knw i knw seeing an 18 y/o acting like a kid
i was the oldest on the ride OMG why
wanted to enjoy but feel super paiseh coz the kids parents all watching WTF
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King Julian's party merry-go-round |
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this somehow looked wrong to me no ? |
then far far away !!
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Shrek's home next to the swamp made so real LOL ! |
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shit why so blur ? |
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also had this rice looking ice cream i chose marshmallow and strawberry flavour which tasted super meh . $5 convert to malaysian ringgit RM10 ok !! |
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this is a wall. this is pretty. this is cute. |
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Churro of the day!! naise ! |
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cookie monster spotted ! on nom nom nom. |
this was cute
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so dont blame me i brought one home costed me RM55+ next month i had only grass for meals. T^T |
next to the park only.
for those who exploited asia earlier like 鄭和, charles brooke yaddah yaddah
dont ask me history.
lazy to upload them pictures
then the finale.
buffet dinner at hotel.
wah wah wah.
le love italian food.
i kept playing with the chocolate fountain
the marshmallows was super duper cute heart-shaped one sumore
again i was the oldest around that corner.
the kids there very annoying ok.
burst in tears. old die la me !!
again. lazy to upload the pictures.
it was dato lee chong wei's match for the olympic finals that night.
i tell u super funny i watched it at the lobby.
one side malaysian watching another side chinese LOL.
of coz la support own nation mah.
sady dato lee lost but it's fine.
he'd done his best.
also happily married ady.
plus i noticed something lo.
the chinese now super rich.
next to our hotel there's lotsa branded outlets, like Coach and all.
very pricey of course.
and only the chinese visit them most of them gathering at the counter sumore.
wah i very poor like that.
cannot afford any of them.
unless i wanna eat grass for another month.
ok i knw not funny.
The next morning i was sooooo reluctant to check out from the hotel.
i really liked that bed T_____T
sigh why must lovers part at the end
when would we reunite
and shall never leave each other ever again.
gloomy morning.
sad story indeed.
buffet breakfast again.
didn't have the mood coz they were serving the same food.
but was munching away when sagor's colleague brought us for lunch at canton paradise.
uber yums ok i enjoyed their egg tart alot.
yummiest egg tart ever had =)))
it was a heavy lunch her colleague even begged us to finish everything.
but we were really stuffed.
wonder why they ordered so much ==?
after lunch it's time to fly back to malaysia.
air asia wtf they have the shittiest airline ever.
the plane kept jerking i puked like crazy
airport workers damn lazy mannnnnn
can sleep in the middle of the road sumore.
not some hobo but a friggin worker at the airport
walao AAAAA.
anyway it felt good to come home.
somehow i still felt down coz have to attend class next morning.
then le yawns and *wham!*
there she goes.
lying on her bed.
like sleeping beauty except she's not that pretty.
deciding not to wake up forever.
Blogged, Joey.
Friday, October 12, 2012
Sorry Porky Pig
Oh bloggie
how much i've neglected you.
Aim after test 1,
revive this blog.
no matter what.
how much i've neglected you.
Aim after test 1,
revive this blog.
no matter what.
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
Sunday, August 12, 2012
Phy Mini Project
Presentation tmr...AGAIN
im afraid
i thought i was able to talk in front of public without intense memorizing
turns out the opposite
totally messed up the whole thing
im nervous about tmr
needs more practice !!
but we dont have the time
two hours break tmr oso not enough ><
how ?!
my hands shake like last time again surely wanna chop them off
BIo case study tmr !!
walao AAAA
the discussion questions like fucking hard
everyone can only 3/5 on average
i dont ask for so much
im fat !!!!
so very fat !!!
wtf i hate it when i keep eating when im stressed out
shit la
tmr roommate wanna so psr malam sumore
i sure follow one mah
tat means i sure grow fatter again one mah
i wont die slim la wei
no one wants to kao me diu
plz ignore what i just wrote ><
Blogged, Joey.
im afraid
i thought i was able to talk in front of public without intense memorizing
turns out the opposite
totally messed up the whole thing
im nervous about tmr
needs more practice !!
but we dont have the time
two hours break tmr oso not enough ><
how ?!
my hands shake like last time again surely wanna chop them off
BIo case study tmr !!
walao AAAA
the discussion questions like fucking hard
everyone can only 3/5 on average
i dont ask for so much
im fat !!!!
so very fat !!!
wtf i hate it when i keep eating when im stressed out
shit la
tmr roommate wanna so psr malam sumore
i sure follow one mah
tat means i sure grow fatter again one mah
i wont die slim la wei
no one wants to kao me diu
plz ignore what i just wrote ><
Blogged, Joey.
Saturday, August 11, 2012
fuck you seriously
chem tutorial 7 and 8
phy tutorial 10 and 11
bio tutorial uncountable =__=
fucking assholic phy mini project
lemme tell you
good result who oso wanna get
any idea wth u juz said ?
keep giving me that lc look
eff you gao gao
shit miee
i cant control my feelings
i hate it when i cant concentrate when im confused about my feelings
why humans come with emotions ?
wouldn't the world be better off without emotions ?!
im confused if im falling for you
coz i know
i will get hurt again
who's willing to remind me constantly not to fall for anyone again ?!
Blogged, Joey.
chem tutorial 7 and 8
phy tutorial 10 and 11
bio tutorial uncountable =__=
fucking assholic phy mini project
lemme tell you
good result who oso wanna get
any idea wth u juz said ?
keep giving me that lc look
eff you gao gao
shit miee
i cant control my feelings
i hate it when i cant concentrate when im confused about my feelings
why humans come with emotions ?
wouldn't the world be better off without emotions ?!
im confused if im falling for you
coz i know
i will get hurt again
who's willing to remind me constantly not to fall for anyone again ?!
Blogged, Joey.
Friday, August 10, 2012
Thursday, August 9, 2012
Chem n maths again!
chem n maths test 2 tmr
i feel like im already "immune" to them
not to say that steady can score ady
it's just not as nervous as before
hmmm that's bad !
tried pushing myself but im soooo lazy @@ !
confirm fail ady
totally messed up ct presentation
scumbag lecturer caught my hand shaking
fuckkkkk =__=
anyways sem 1 ending soon
dont feel anything
juz sad that my result suck that much
Blogged, Joey
i feel like im already "immune" to them
not to say that steady can score ady
it's just not as nervous as before
hmmm that's bad !
tried pushing myself but im soooo lazy @@ !
confirm fail ady
totally messed up ct presentation
scumbag lecturer caught my hand shaking
fuckkkkk =__=
anyways sem 1 ending soon
dont feel anything
juz sad that my result suck that much
Blogged, Joey
Friday, August 3, 2012
Phy test 2 eve
after bio paper
headed to starbucks
but somehow i still can't concentrate
im so scared !
phy test 2
i guarantee i will fail you like nobody's business
at home now
chilling in front of the comp
feeling less nervous ady
i give up dammit
Blogged, Joey.
Thursday, August 2, 2012
Bio test 2 eve
man i did the stupidest thing anyone could have ever done
go cheong k till 4am+++ on exam eve !!!!!
omg i knw la i should be studying and shit
coz i was thinking damn lame la i have been studying the past two days
i thought im quite familiar with the chapters ady manatau
wtf is receptor mediate endocytosis ??!
subtances that binds with the receptor protein of a plasma membrane and acts as a ligand. the receptor protein aggregates and clusters it self forming a coated pit. Each coated pit forms a vesicle containing the ligand molecule.
kill me ar im so guilty..
die ar now !!!!
ltr enter exam hall must use wch pen to stab myself to death leh ?!
just wanted to so strsssed out /.\
go cheong k till 4am+++ on exam eve !!!!!
omg i knw la i should be studying and shit
coz i was thinking damn lame la i have been studying the past two days
i thought im quite familiar with the chapters ady manatau
wtf is receptor mediate endocytosis ??!
subtances that binds with the receptor protein of a plasma membrane and acts as a ligand. the receptor protein aggregates and clusters it self forming a coated pit. Each coated pit forms a vesicle containing the ligand molecule.
kill me ar im so guilty..
die ar now !!!!
ltr enter exam hall must use wch pen to stab myself to death leh ?!
just wanted to so strsssed out /.\
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
wtf u guys doin in the middle of the night
wats d fucking time now
it's friggin 12 in the midnight
choose tis kinda time do prayers wtf
do so loud sumore
wats d fucking time now
it's friggin 12 in the midnight
choose tis kinda time do prayers wtf
do so loud sumore
Sunday, July 22, 2012
这里不好玩的 ==
拿了我一大包tissue xD
哈哈 很废啊我
突然发现我对某某事情的预感很准 =P
才短短两天的说 T___T
姨 不对
chem report 才做到table
ct 根本没理了==
都不懂cell organelle 和 membrane transport 在钢什么
早就预料到会这样了嘛 =(
拿了我一大包tissue xD
哈哈 很废啊我
突然发现我对某某事情的预感很准 =P
才短短两天的说 T___T
姨 不对
chem report 才做到table
ct 根本没理了==
都不懂cell organelle 和 membrane transport 在钢什么
早就预料到会这样了嘛 =(
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
Sunday, July 15, 2012
Bon Odori 2012
how was it ?
to be honest
no la no la
actually kinda awesome
coz with mc ma
so happy to see her here
i actually went to kl sentral all by myself
and i didn't get lost..allehluyah
saw kangnie
wtf she like so sensitive from all my "touchings"
i was being friendly actually hahahahaaha =_="
the next morning i made some fruit salad
bt mc didn't really like the taste of it
early in the morning hear tat fucker bao zu gong gong jiao wea
diu lar
spoil my mood
sincerely wish he hates fruits so that he'll have constipation
im not a bad person so i wish it lasts for one month only
sat for ct paper
came back
we chiong straight to mid valley
settled lunch at tong bak fu
also had a double chocolate muffin for RM1 only !!!!
so damn awesome and yummeh !!!!
quite big oso the muffin
and also rotiboy
first time having it actually we love it so much !!!!!!
i can tell you it was uber yums
one bite of it confirm u will suka vry much <3
and guess who i saw at kl sentral !!!!
friggin jiak shi mi ?!!!!! my sister la yor
i was like wtf wtf !!!!!
we are fated to each other
go so far oso can see her
sumore the next minute i saw her her train is here
so happy weyh
i miss her so much T___T
haiz until now still cant believe i saw her
where we are actually so far from hometown
when she's only 16 and come so far main main with friends !!
somebody needs some spanking =_=
then again to shah alam
friggin jiak shi mi ?!!!!! my sister la yor
i was like wtf wtf !!!!!
we are fated to each other
go so far oso can see her
sumore the next minute i saw her her train is here
so happy weyh
i miss her so much T___T
haiz until now still cant believe i saw her
where we are actually so far from hometown
when she's only 16 and come so far main main with friends !!
somebody needs some spanking =_=
then again to shah alam
free shuttle bus to the stadium yo so happy
i love free trips/stuff ( cheap lou alert )
and here we are
goddammit those girls in yukata are so hot
jealous / envy / zero self-esteem
goddammit those girls in yukata are so hot
jealous / envy / zero self-esteem
wat we had tat day ?
Onigiri ( best buy + food ...vry nice ler T__T )
hairy petai look thingy ( dont even rmb the term for it lol)
chilli sotong
bbq squid
bought RILAKKUMA <3 for ying hui
dorayaki for housemates
and vry expensive sushi for junhui
which he doesn't even appreciate and dare to kpkb there
now i really hate him
don't even bother to type what he said when he got the sushi
did he nom them ?
throw away oso better than giving it to him
reached home
tired like sotong
had roti canai goreng with edwin and ben
fat ? no lar
wat is fat ?? xDD
finally, exhausted
pom pom abit
lie on bed
sleep until sun shinning our fatasses
phew !
Blogged, Joey.
Thursday, July 12, 2012
又能见面了 ^__^
我真的可以跳海了 ==
顶 =__=
我为什么在这里打这么多废话 =__=
我真的可以跳海了 ==
顶 =__=
我为什么在这里打这么多废话 =__=
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
me no likey result
WTF wat kinda shitty result i got
it's only test one im already dead meat
went to famous amos
had butterscotch sumth sumth
tasted damn good omg !!!!!!
omg keep eating fat die @@
feeling better now
but i keep thinking
wat ? wats making my result this poor !?
i tried so hard..
was thking wrong strategy but
now i thk it's all about intelligence.
so sad... T___T
im seriously wasting my parents money
it's only test one im already dead meat
went to famous amos
had butterscotch sumth sumth
tasted damn good omg !!!!!!
omg keep eating fat die @@
feeling better now
but i keep thinking
wat ? wats making my result this poor !?
i tried so hard..
was thking wrong strategy but
now i thk it's all about intelligence.
so sad... T___T
im seriously wasting my parents money
Saturday, June 30, 2012
Shitty Saturday
sat for two papers this morning
i didn't know what i was doing
i seriously think im gonna fail them ...HARD
didn't have the mood to discuss mini project
luckily sago asked me out for dinner
or i'll end up doin tutorial questions and depressed
i know
im such a failure
no matter how much i've tried
i still end up like shit
dad phoned
telling me not to feel so bad
just learn what to approach next time T___T
i miss home
but my result like shit
gt people every weekend go home oso can get good result
me ?
as i said
my efforts will never ever be paid off
still i enter the exam hall doing stupid stuff
all i thought after that was i wanna cry
or why am i so stupid
i hate it everytime when im ignored
im aware that im not a very likeable person
and also not pretty at all
but i really dislike the fact that im always ignored
as if i were transparent
liddat then i've the freedom to do whatever i want and not care what others think right ??
4 more tutorial questions,
1 report,
1 journal,
2 revisons to go
please giimme some time for extra ques !!
i suck so much at the previous two tests i wanna die !!!!
Blogged, stupidy stupid.
Sunday, June 24, 2012
nom nom bak zhang
lame post bout dumpling weekend
had buttloads of dumplings of coz
i really liked the ones with red bean filling
and the ones with duck egg yolks
super yums !!!!
also had a bueno bar
kit kat bar
black sesame assorted biscuits
potato chips
thai dinner
gui ling gao
durian...mmm yumm yumm
and the finale
mummy made it for me
hantam it within todays
just wanted to jot down wat i had i miss home like crazy
omg im such a fatass non-stop eating wtf
dont know dont care
bor lang kao mai bor lang kao lor T____T
had buttloads of dumplings of coz
i really liked the ones with red bean filling
and the ones with duck egg yolks
super yums !!!!
also had a bueno bar
kit kat bar
black sesame assorted biscuits
potato chips
thai dinner
gui ling gao
durian...mmm yumm yumm
and the finale
mummy made it for me
hantam it within todays
just wanted to jot down wat i had i miss home like crazy
omg im such a fatass non-stop eating wtf
dont know dont care
bor lang kao mai bor lang kao lor T____T
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
I wanna go home
mummy uploaded this, captioned " tortilla wrap and potato pumpkin soup "
wtf !!!!!
im hungry !!
and im bored of the food around section 17
dunno wat to hv for dinner tonight actually
and if i were back home
i'd be munching away with those babies
le veli hungreehhh
glanced at tabby's photo album
captured by moi
look at her
when packing my stuff for college
that box was meant for stationeries ==
tabby u wanted to come along with me izit ? swt
of coz i miss home like siao siao
for some reason i actually miss those times
when a drug addict used to walk by our house
we'd look at him weird
hahahahaha !!!
lame la =__=
excuse my reli louya to the max english
my knowledge of english somehow deteriorated
who got read my blog wan correct me la
Blogged, Joey.
Wednesday, June 6, 2012
raining wtf
it was raining last night
the thunder was crazy
im not really afraid of thunder
but in this house
it really was frightening
was on the phone the whole night
my god
#foreveralone potato
Blogged, Joey.
Friday, May 25, 2012
it' been ages since i blogged
previous posts also like wtf so shitty one
since im like darn free today
ok la blog la
i've been wanting to blog about college
foa, *accomodation*
this college seriously wtf
langsung no hostel
coz they've been planning to close down this campus in 2 or 3 years and focus on the main one
so we have to go around pusing pusing rent our own rooms
well i found one
at first i was like wahh the house very cooling and cheap
coz i thought pj weather would be unbearably warm
to me turns out the opposite la at night freeze to death without fan
coz my hands and legs cannot tahan cold
then after wah all the house mates so friendly sumore
im like god must love me too much
mum even came for a visit
i was like wah this and that at the house is so GOOD !
manatau.... -.- !!
ytd i was washing my clothes for the first time
i was like yo man how to use the washing machine on the phone
it just wouldn't wash my clothes
after that bao zu gong (anal guy) came back
he said press this and that
i was like i did as u said arh still cannot leh
then he dunno press wat when i was in the room la
then the washing machine miraculously worked
my clothes done washing and was drying my clothes
anal guy came to me and said , “ 酱可能是人的问题咯!”
oi fuck you la
then next time u wash my clothes la, bird talk in my face
and then, this morning
i was awakened by someone's car alarm at friggin 6.30am
after that couldn't sleep ady
had breakfast and was chilling in the living room
anal guy came downstairs
scared the hell outta me
then he fucking said owh why you don't wanna switch off the lights yaddah yaddah
why on earth did i say to everyone you are friendly and nice lar
act so assholic
next, college college.
ok la the orientation
although i damn potato only made a few friends *sobs*
i saw the timetable
have friggin classes till 7 in the evening on friggin FRIDAYS !!!
all of days why friday leh T__T
zzzz confirm imma hate this college now -.- !
i doubt i can focus in class
coz u know la
i everyday brain dunno think about wat
放空 like most of the time
and then seniors like kept ranting on how kns this college is
well only for this campus lar dunno bout the others
the bus not consistent, the toilets all behsai flush, printer cannot use, computers got virus blarrrr
but one thing,
leng lui like oxygen...everywhere..
omg i know im sick i love looking at leng luis
sumore i miss tabby so much
the other day i was watching this kitty video
i cried so much
this is how tabby sleeps back home
omg im gonna cry again
i miss home T____T
i miss mummy
i miss everyone
i miss everyone !
im so lonely here
i have no friends wan
sumore house mates not really friendly to me T^T !
i dunno la
it's just...i don't like this place T___T
mum brought my laptop here
i saw tabby's fur on the keyboard
can't stop crying
Blogged, Joey.
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
Thursday, April 26, 2012
why fux ?
coz im at KL now and i can't go anywhere but home
except for the event on sunday
and i lost contact with my KL friends ady ffffff
go genting ? sunway pyramid ? library ??
all oso negative
how on earth am i gonna survive this whole week ?
Blogged, Joey.
coz im at KL now and i can't go anywhere but home
except for the event on sunday
and i lost contact with my KL friends ady ffffff
go genting ? sunway pyramid ? library ??
all oso negative
how on earth am i gonna survive this whole week ?
Blogged, Joey.
Monday, April 23, 2012
Stupid post
went shopping with shelly,fern and kn at jusco malacca
i haolian brought RM120 only
but don't be surprised i bought
2 pairs of shoes,
2 shirts,
1 pair of gloves ( this i really need it palms siao siao cannot tahan cold )
1 super cute bento box
1 princess mirror
plus eat and transport
hahaha shows how much of a cheapskate i am
of course la
brought this amount of money there are loads of things that i couldn't buy
LOL sadness
for self-satisfaction
i curi curi brought those clothes into fitting room and took pictures
it's been a while since i shopped with my friends
Blogged, Joey.
went shopping with shelly,fern and kn at jusco malacca
i haolian brought RM120 only
but don't be surprised i bought
2 pairs of shoes,
2 shirts,
1 pair of gloves ( this i really need it palms siao siao cannot tahan cold )
1 super cute bento box
1 princess mirror
plus eat and transport
hahaha shows how much of a cheapskate i am
of course la
brought this amount of money there are loads of things that i couldn't buy
LOL sadness
for self-satisfaction
i curi curi brought those clothes into fitting room and took pictures
![]() |
i really liked this T_______T RM89.90 FML |
![]() |
dont see the pattern aunty aunty liddat the cutting vry leng ok i wasnt wearing pants hahahaahaha cannot take from the mirror RM123++ from Reject Shop |
so gonna miss u guys after i enter that shithole
Blogged, Joey.
Baby Birdie
confirm whoever reads this will think im a fucking psycho/weirdo/sicko
bah who cares
i found something really interesting today
dad was cleaning the lantern
finding some jiao built their nest in it
no idea what he did the whole nest fell
there i found
two chicks
one already hatched another still sleeping in the gooey thing in its eggshell
thinking they stopped breathing after they hit the floor
i sincerely felt sorry for them
i kept yelling " oh my Herman daddy u c got bird leh !! "
ignored of coz
maybe some of my wires really connected wrongly
i touched them
TOUCHED them ah
took my louya cellphone out
started snapping pictures of them birdies
Mother shrieked,"I cannot understand why you dare to touch them ?! "
me wonders too o.0
i went to Princess so she could sniff it
also she walked backwards in disgust
of coz joey buried them and rest in peace they will
Blogged, Joey.
bah who cares
i found something really interesting today
dad was cleaning the lantern
finding some jiao built their nest in it
no idea what he did the whole nest fell
there i found
two chicks
one already hatched another still sleeping in the gooey thing in its eggshell
thinking they stopped breathing after they hit the floor
i sincerely felt sorry for them
i kept yelling " oh my Herman daddy u c got bird leh !! "
ignored of coz
maybe some of my wires really connected wrongly
i touched them
TOUCHED them ah
took my louya cellphone out
started snapping pictures of them birdies
Mother shrieked,"I cannot understand why you dare to touch them ?! "
me wonders too o.0
i went to Princess so she could sniff it
also she walked backwards in disgust
of coz joey buried them and rest in peace they will
Blogged, Joey.
Friday, April 13, 2012
Liddat Lor
hello again
it's been a while since i really sit down and blog
someone complained that my blog's getting shittier
well i can explain
1) i've been busy
2) i don't get to go online that often
tons and tons of stuff have been happening
i wanna blog about them so soooo much
but there're some things i'd better not write here
ok major stuff
you know lar
after SPM... college and stuff
anyways , she left without a word !!
well i'm not expecting her to inform me
but no one even knows that she's gone until i called her parents
" what ???!!! serious or not ? i thought she's just there to visit colleges ??!! "
" nah lah got the offer letter ady lo "
i felt like i heard thunders no seriously
immediately i called her
first few calls no answer
after that couldn't get through
ok...i get it...
it's friggin s'pore
one day i get independent enough i will find you !
or...wait till when you are back
u can't do this to me !!
it's been a while since i really sit down and blog
someone complained that my blog's getting shittier
well i can explain
1) i've been busy
2) i don't get to go online that often
tons and tons of stuff have been happening
i wanna blog about them so soooo much
but there're some things i'd better not write here
ok major stuff
you know lar
after SPM... college and stuff
anyways , she left without a word !!
well i'm not expecting her to inform me
but no one even knows that she's gone until i called her parents
" what ???!!! serious or not ? i thought she's just there to visit colleges ??!! "
" nah lah got the offer letter ady lo "
i felt like i heard thunders no seriously
immediately i called her
first few calls no answer
after that couldn't get through
ok...i get it...
it's friggin s'pore
one day i get independent enough i will find you !
or...wait till when you are back
u can't do this to me !!
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Friday, March 16, 2012
SPM result will be released on my birthday !!!
i thk will be uber sien
nobody rmb my birthday
indulge into the internet and cry my mascara off
ok ok
good plan
i thk will be uber sien
nobody rmb my birthday
indulge into the internet and cry my mascara off
ok ok
good plan
Monday, March 12, 2012
Burning The Kitchen
ok first of,
i suck at cooking
i just enjoy making a mess out of the kitchen
and stirring stuff
i don't know but i find stirring stuff really entertaining
when i was young,
i admire the witch in 'snow white' get to stir a big pot of poison
not kidding
it's seriously fun
after mi hun kueh for lunch
i tried to cook hashbrown
homemade one !
it took me a fucking afternoon to prepare a single hashbrown
i know i slow la T__T
see ??? so kawaii !!!! =3
that yellow heart thingy is actually thousand island sauce
( substitute for mayo )
whereas the green one is oregano leaves
my little hashbrown dipped in them is heavenly tasty ~!
but eat halfway felt like puking
don't know why maybe my cooking not that pro yet
after super awesome domino's for dinner
baked peanut butter cake with chocolate icing
at first it came out from the oven it looked like this
any baking pro plz tell me why my cake cracked into half @@ ?
to cover the crack i applied chocolate icing
the cake's pretty don't lie
it's oreo crumbs on top of the icing =D
ok la i knw i ugly no nid to remind me
blame the internet for making my eyes like this
after camwhoring with the stupid x10
i noticed a disaster !
the icing was sinking into the crack fffuuuuu
what to do ? eat the slice with the crack lo
leave rest of the beautiful piece in the refrigerator
forgot to mention , it was OISHIIIII
first cake and nailed it :megusta:
you shall be my breakfast tomorrow
zzzzzz why so fat ady still dare to eat
Blogged, Joey.
i suck at cooking
i just enjoy making a mess out of the kitchen
and stirring stuff
i don't know but i find stirring stuff really entertaining
when i was young,
i admire the witch in 'snow white' get to stir a big pot of poison
not kidding
it's seriously fun
after mi hun kueh for lunch
i tried to cook hashbrown
homemade one !
it took me a fucking afternoon to prepare a single hashbrown
i know i slow la T__T
see ??? so kawaii !!!! =3
that yellow heart thingy is actually thousand island sauce
( substitute for mayo )
whereas the green one is oregano leaves
my little hashbrown dipped in them is heavenly tasty ~!
but eat halfway felt like puking
don't know why maybe my cooking not that pro yet
after super awesome domino's for dinner
baked peanut butter cake with chocolate icing
at first it came out from the oven it looked like this
any baking pro plz tell me why my cake cracked into half @@ ?
to cover the crack i applied chocolate icing
the cake's pretty don't lie
it's oreo crumbs on top of the icing =D
ok la i knw i ugly no nid to remind me
blame the internet for making my eyes like this
after camwhoring with the stupid x10
i noticed a disaster !
the icing was sinking into the crack fffuuuuu
what to do ? eat the slice with the crack lo
leave rest of the beautiful piece in the refrigerator
forgot to mention , it was OISHIIIII
first cake and nailed it :megusta:
you shall be my breakfast tomorrow
zzzzzz why so fat ady still dare to eat
Blogged, Joey.
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