Sunday, February 13, 2011

Kim Sam Soon

holla amigo =D
the other day i finished sapu-ing a korean drama~
'My Lovely Kim Sam Soon' ~
haha ~ not bad nerh this drama ..
made me laughed and cried so hard :D
the thing is sam soon this girl..~
30 years old~
she's funny at times and things goes with her mood..
she refuses to go to work when she's moody..
like..she stops working when she broke up with her bf
fyi, she's a pro baker.. =D
she bakes reli beautiful and delicious cakes or cookies
but she won't force herself to work her ass off when she doesn't have the mood

She thought to herself..
why is maintaining a relationship so hard ??
and so..
she promised herself..
never fall for boys and cry for them nemore

but as time goes by,
she'll accidentally fall in love with someone again
u know...accidentally in love ^^ ~
when she gets hurt
tears came rolling on her cheeks
she'll start blaming herself for not being perfect, pretty etc etc..
sounds pathetic right ?
but she'll start all over again
gain a new life,,~:D
she climbed a mountain at Jeju island ALL BY HERSELF~
shouting on the top of the moutain :
'Kim Sam Soon !!! FORGET HIM !!!'
Lol...kinda cool right ??
i should be like her one day
but i hope i will be married to Gan Jiang Han before thirty

hwaiting ~
hwaiting ~
hwaiting ~!!

and Dear God
bless me a better tomorrow please
i need it..
10 kiu !! :D ~

Huat arr !!!  
Heng arrr !!!!!

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