Tuesday, February 15, 2011

outing outing :D !!!

actually kinda hapie 2day ^^ ~
coz went outing v angel..hehe..
coz we were so sick of valentines..=(
she's my old old friend since primary school..
gosh i missed her so much.. =(
1.30pm we met up at Marry Brown..
u know ?? 没礼貌?? haha..
had a rm5 lunch together
and omg..she slimmed down so much
then she asked me hw come im 发福-ing ??
i told her evtime im in bad mood i'll eat/drink as much as i can
she said that's NOT GOOD !!
try some other way to make myself feel better
no mood to talk bout tat coz my mood was like shit
neways we took a pic a marry brown..
here it is..^^

then we went to chiong K..~!!
woohoo...!! XD
before that we had to wait till 3pm coz malays praying or sumth
then we walked walked...
3.30pm ady pun belum open !! =.=
then went upstairs till the 8th floor ..

in the lift..................
reach 8th floor ady...
woots  !!! the 1st time im lookin at segamat from a VERY HIGH view..
so nice..wind breeze was so comforting ..:D
feel kinda great as i wasnt in a gd mood too..
haha xiao po angel wind blowing oso wana take pic....
lepak lepak at 8th floor
manatau 4pm pun belum open !!! @@ !!
waited for 1 hour ady leh.. =.=
the ask them faster open lor..
haiz...segamat 1 and only chiong K site..
but enjoyed singing too ^^~
haha...what a relief !!
and i cried when angel singing ‘我怀念的’ and ‘我不配’
u knw..the mv is so sad ='(
luckily she gave me a piece of tissue .. :')

after that went to amour yumcha
hhaha..yumcha is a must ...^^
took pics tho ..
@.@ !!!!

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