Monday, February 28, 2011

Last day of February

how time running outta time >< !!
today was kinda a shittie day for me..
yes..go on..
humiliate me however u like..
say whatever u like to make people hate me..
i won't say a word coz u're just degrading urself doing that
no teachers would say that about their own students even after they've put in so much effort
unless that person is really u
i don't wana talk bad bout u nemore..
makes my mood nt good only..

neways aftern my bro came back from school
i told him i was in a bad mood coz someone just talked bad bout me behind my back
he said don't give a damn..without those people i'm still able to live on..
ignore what people say behind ur back or u'll be acting like an idiot..
so what if u've lotsa many u manage to keep ?
useless if u don't have  any REAL friends..
realized he knows more than i do... =(
then he bought me coke and ice lemon tea ^^
of course i was vry happy and we shared half half of it plus a pack twisties..(x gemuk pun hairan)
hahaha..thank touched and thankful...
i love coke <3

Dear God, please ...for heaven's sake..
bless me a better tomorrow..
i've made mistakes
i've apologized and fixed it
just please...hope everything goes well for me ..
k ??

"You shouldn't sacrifice who you are just because someone has a problem with it. If they don't like you for who you are, then its their loss."- PassionQuotes
Arius ! hakunamatata...

Blogged, Joey.

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